Brattain League Event 2, December 2

IMG_2991.JPGOur second league event was at the Overlake School on December 2nd.

We didn’t do so well at this competition. We were very focused on getting the lift working, and our autonomous malfunctioned during 3 out of 5 of our matches.

We did see amazing robots at this competition, which was great!

League 1, November 4

2018-11-11-16-28-50We had our first competition of the season on November 4th, at Woodinville High School.

We had a really good time at the event. All the teams who went did really well, and we saw some great robots!

We intended to get our lifting mechanism working, but sadly it didn’t. 😦

Thank you to SWERVE Robotics and Woodinville High School for hosting us!